And most 3D printers don't even support that. However, they only support color and not the rest of the texture attributes that you're used to from Cinema 4D. There are some high-end commercial printers and commercial printing services that do support a material color attribute and can print color. And the first is that most 3D printers do not support any form of textures. And with that in mind, there's some specific considerations that you need to keep in mind when preparing models in Cinema 4D for 3D printing.
But our main focus, of course, here on Cineversity is how to properly prepare models in Cinema 4D in order to get them through the rest of the pipeline so that you get a nice looking 3D print at the end that's exactly what you'd expect. So in our 3D printing project tutorials you'll see this entire workflow. And then of course the last part of the process is that the slicer will somehow transmit the instruction set that it generates to the 3D printer either wirelessly or via a SD card or a USB stick or some manner like that, and the 3D printer actually does the printing. So we'll take a look at some of these throughout the series, and certainly you should explore each of them individually as well, because, as I have said, they do make a big difference in how your 3D print actually can turn out. For instance, the MakerBot comes with the MakerBot Desktop software. There's lots of different slicers available, and your commercial 3D printer probably came with a slicer. It actually has the ability to fix bad geometry, and the way it interprets your STL geometry determines how careful you need to be in your development of your 3D model. So as you can imagine, the slicer is very important. So it's actually literally slicing your model in the upward direction, and it figures out all of the pathways that the printhead needs to take as it moves around and creates your model.
And this is a software application that takes the polygonal STL model and interprets it into an actual solid object and figures out all of the layers that need to be printed by the 3D printer. From there, we're going to take the STL file and import it into a slicer. STL is a CAD based format that's used pretty much universally in 3D printing, and we're fortunate that Cinema 4D has the ability to export it directly.

And from Cinema 4D, we're going to be exporting pretty much universally into the STL file format. We're going to be starting in Cinema 4D and creating all of our models there.

So before we get too deep into this, let's take sort of an overview look at the 3D printing workflow. So we'll start with some general theory, and then we'll look at some specific 3D projects that I've worked on to 3D print. The theory and technique that we cover, though, is going to be fairly universal at least to extrusion-based 3D printing, which is the kind that prints in a very inkjet kind of a way, actually spitting out plastic as it moves the printhead around. Here on Cineversity we're going to focus on how you get from Cinema 4D into a 3D printer, and specifically we're going to be looking at the MakerBot Replicator because that's the 3D printer that we have here in the office, and it's also one of the most popular on the market.

And there's also lots of different software applications you can use to prepare models for 3D printing. There's lots of different 3D printers available, and they're becoming more accessible all the time. 3D printers have the ability to take your Cinema 4D models and transform them into real physical objects that are as useful as they are artistic.

3D printing is a hot topic right now and for good reason.